Thursday, July 1, 2010

Madrid!! TOMA!

Hola! I finally made it to Madrid!!!! It is beautiful here...but very very very HOT!!! ok first things first...a little about the flight

I feel like monday i used every for of transportation possible..expect maybe boat. Timoney drove to Chicago where we did a little shopping then i took a cab to union station, the train to Shaumburg, then Adam drove me to O´hare, then i took the 8.5 hour plane trip to Coppenhagen (which is rather nice) the plane ride wasn´t bad i sat next to a really nice (yet talkative) older polish woman.  I had a touch screen tv to pick movies i wanted to watch i watch valentines day and alice and wonderland ate two meals and before i knew it i was there.  then i had a little time to browse the weird viking souvenirs before i boarded my flight to paris. i am not a fan of charles de gaul arport...if you´´ve been you might know that you have to take a shuttle and a 5min walk to terminal 3...or as i now call it...the ghetto terminal.  i used french and english to make my way around but mainly the international language and facial expressions and hand gestures! anyways...finally got to my french gate to go to madrid and the game was was funny seeing all of the spainiards crowded around the tv. they also announced on the plane when spain won..and everyone was cheering and clapping.

Finally i made it to madrid and gonzalo and danielle picked me up...and it wasn´t until i saw some sight of historical buildings that i realized i was in europe. i went to bed right away. the next day we did a little sight seeing in sold (the center of madrid)  and a little shopping.  we got some sangria and i got a tortilla (which is like an omlet type thing baked into a torilla) Moy deliciouso! I got to see the royal palacio, plaza mayor, plaza de espana, ventas plaza del toro (the largest bull fighting ring in spain)  I will now attempt to put up pictures.

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